International Conferences and Workshops

FinExCoop International Conference on Smart Agriculture Technologies – September 26, 2023


Launch Event Presentations

FinExCoop’s Agribusiness Forum: ” Situation and Prospects of the Potato Value-Chain in Georgia, Think and Act Together”

Forum Presentations

FinExCoop Georgia Second International Conference on Apple Value Chain

Webinar Recording Day 1

Webinar Recording Day 2

Farmer’s Testimonies

Conference Presentations

FinExCoop Georgia’s Third International Conference on Beef and Dairy Value Chain

FinExCoop International Livestock Forum Day 1

FinExCoop International Livestock Forum Day 4, First Working Group Session

FinExCoop International Livestock Forum Day 4, Second Working Group Session

FinExCoop International Livestock Forum Day 4, Third Working Group Session

FinExCoop International Livestock Forum Day 4, Fourth Working Group Session

Conference Presentations

Presentations of 1st working session (morning): Promoting better fodder and feed

Presentations of 2nd working session (morning, in parallel with session 1)

Presentations of 3rd working session (afternoon): Promoting better breeding practices, veterinary services, and food safety for a more environmentally sustainable livestock

Presentations of 4th working session (afternoon): Putting more value on livestock products