Donor EU, Implementing Partner AFD

  • Donor EU

    The European Union (EU) is supporting agriculture and rural development in Georgia through its NIF Programme the European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development. The NIF is a facility stemming from the financing options offered by the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) Regulation. It is intended to provide EU grant support for lending operations led by European multilateral development-finance institutions and also bilateral development finance institutions of the Member States. The NIF approves grants for investment co-financing, loan guarantee cost financing, interest rate subsidies, risk capital operations and technical assistance packages. The objective is to associate European Union grants with loans from consortia of European Finance Institutions in order to finance large investment
    projects in the ENI region.

  • Implementing partner AFD

    Agence Francaise de Développement (AFD) is an inclusive public financial institution and the main actor in France’s development policy. AFD works in many sectors – agriculture, energy, health, biodiversity, water, digital technologies and its actions are fully in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2018, it earmarked EUR 11.4bn to finance development projects worldwide.
    AFD’s commitment in Georgia was first materialized in 2016. Since then, AFD and the Government of Georgia have established a flourishing collaboration with an active portfolio of EUR 250 million of engagements.


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